Patriotism Reading Education
In accordance with the document spirit of ‘the Notice to Implement the Patriotism Reading Education with the Theme Do as the Party Says all the Time and Follow the Party Forever among teenagers in Anqing City’ as well as relevant arrangements initiated by Anqing Foreign Language School, on the afternoon of 19th March, at the mixed classroom, the Junior High Department of the east campus held the Middle School Students’ Speech Trials for the Patriotism Reading Education.
To begin with, the contest was chaired by Junior High Deputy Director Hu Sen. The judges were Junior High Vice Director Wang Shengxiang, group leader Zhou Hongwei with the Chinese Teaching and Research Group in addition to some Chinese teachers. Initially, head teachers recommended contestants who prepared their original speeches beforehand which kept to the point ‘Do as the Party Says all the Time and Follow the Party Forever’.
During the speech trials, candidates were excited and indignant. Sometimes they chanted in a deep voice. On the other hand, however, they appeared passionate. Each of them confidently completed their speeches of different styles. The judges and audience present were deeply touched by their vivid expression and emotional language performance. Therefore, warm applause burst from the crowd every now and then.
In conclusion, by means of this competition, students not only expressed their ardent love towards the Party and their firm belief to become socialism successors, but also trained their own presentation skills and improved their individual comprehensive quality. The results of the contest were announced pretty soon. The outstanding performers would represent the Junior High Section of the east campus to attend the finals. Hereby we wished them a complete success in the finals!
Attached was the list of the winners.
First place winners: Wang Ying from Class 3, Grade 7; Wang Ruihan from Class 1, Grade 8; Xu Ying from Class 2, Grade 8 and Li Wenxuan from Class 4, Grade 8.
Second award contestants: Fang Zihan from Class 1, Grade 7; Gao Jiayu&Yu Ting from Class 2, Grade 7; Wang Zhiyuan from Class 6, Grade 7; Zhou Guanyuan from Class 1, Grade 8; Han Shujuan from Class 2, Grade 8 and Wang Zitian from Class 4, Grade 8.
Third prize competitors: Hong Yigang from Class 1, Grade 7; Chen Liang from Class 3, Grade 7; Wu Wentao from Class 4, Grade 7; Pi Xutao from Class 5, Grade 7; Yu Xingyu from Class 6, Grade 7; Luo Xuan from Class 7, Grade 7; Wang Chenmei from Class 3, Grade 8 and Zhu Binhui from Class 5, Grade 8.







